This is the privacy policy for "Beat Book" (hereinafter referred to as "this service") provided by Ryo Nishimura (hereinafter referred to as "service provider").

This service has established the following privacy policy, and while complying with the Personal Information Protection Law (Law No. 57 of 2003, hereinafter referred to as "Personal Information Protection Law"), strives for appropriate information management.

Article 1: Definition of Personal Information

In this document, "personal information" refers to information related to a living individual, which includes names, dates of birth, contact information, email addresses, user identification codes, and other descriptions that can identify a specific individual. This includes combining information that does not identify an individual with information that can easily be cross-referenced to identify an individual. Also, information that cannot identify an individual on its own, but can identify an individual when used in combination with other information, is also included.

This definition serves as the foundation for the protection of user privacy and rights in the services we provide, and for striving for appropriate handling and protection.

Article 2: Regarding the Use of Information Collection

For the purpose of improving this service, we use a tool (Firebase Analytics) to analyze usage conditions. Data collected by Firebase Analytics is managed based on Google's privacy policy. For details, please check the Google Privacy Policy.

Article 3: Suspension and Deletion of Information

This service does not provide a means to stop the data that has been collected. If you want to stop automatic transmission, please uninstall this service. Also, this service does not provide a means to delete the collected data from the server.

Article 4: Changes to the Privacy Policy

The contents of this policy can be changed without notifying the user. Unless otherwise specified by the service provider, the changed privacy policy will take effect from the time it is posted on this page.

Article 5: Contact

For inquiries about this policy, consultations about policy information, and other inquiries, please contact the following point of contact.

E-mail: [email protected]